Assessment of Execution Readiness
Is your execution effectiveness blocked by a culture of silos?
Is there a disconnect between how your C-Suite and your front-line workers view the world?
Do people at all levels of your organisation feel that it's safe to tell the truth to senior management?
Do people at all levels feel valued and empowered to engage their full potential versus being treated as "production units"?
Praesta offers a number of powerful tools that allow the front line to weigh in on what's working and what's not working - getting at the heart of removing barriers to effective execution. Based on input from you, your team and your business partners, we will generate a comprehensive report that provides you with a predictive analysis of your organisation's ability to execute. Using the results from the relevant instrument, we will work with you to identify your organisation's strengths and challenges, and avenues for achieving optimum effectiveness and alignment, while ensuring competitive advantage.
The first step is one of our "Snapshot" surveys, all based on models anchored in research.
Execution Readiness Snapshot (ERS): The original snapshot survey that helps CEOs identify symptoms within his/her organisation that might be inhibiting the company's ability to effectively execute its vision and strategy. Unlike the other snapshots, which are focused on assessing overall effectiveness against a list of ideal characteristics, the Execution Readiness Snapshot specifically highlights symptoms - or pain points - that an organisation is experiencing when execution is failing.
HR Effectiveness Snapshot (HRS): This snapshot provides analysis of a Human Resources organisation's ability to facilitate the company's overall vision and strategy, including data about the perception of the organisation's top team on their HR function's effectiveness.
Team Performance Snapshot (TPS): This snapshot assesses how well a team measures up to key characteristics of high-performing teams.
Readiness to Govern Snapshot (RGS): This snapshot focuses on assessing a board's capability in key characteristics of highly effective boards.
For deeper exploration of execution readiness issues, we offer the Organisational MRI. It's the first step of a strategic organisational change initiative to empower all employees. This cross-functional audit assesses strategic clarity, leadership capacity and workforce engagement by level, department, region (and any other cross-cuts that matter), with a view to determining the critical gaps in execution and leadership competence needed to deliver results with excellence.
The ERS focuses on the symptoms an organization might be experiencing, particularly if an organization is failing in its ability to execute. The MRI compares the organization to our model of a high-functioning organization—one that is fit and ready to execute its business strategy. The MRI is much better for identifying root causes behind the symptoms. It also adds a layer of understanding in that it gives voice to those lower in the organization.
We work with you to determine the demographics and data cuts that matter most. We also customize the diagnostic tool with additional questions unique to your organisation. We work closely with you to communicate the initiate in a way that gains the buy-in from all levels of the workforce.
We administer the Organisational MRI to your employee base and prepare all reports from the various data cuts. We facilitate a structured "Insight Session" for the CEO and/or senior team to examine the data and create an action plan that results in a high level of execution effectiveness.